Let the journey begin!

Posted by Kristen Kowall on

Upon my return to the states, I had so many questions to answer. What does it take to get into the jewelry business? Where can I find such information? Luckily, this day in age, it is pretty easy to come upon quality information on just about anything. I visited the library and checked out books pertaining to diamonds, gemstones, and the history of jewelry.


I also hashtag searched my newly found and beloved instagram and reached out to jewelers all across the country. I came into contact with an awesomely talented jeweler based out of Los Angeles, Sako K. (@cjd_sako on Instagram; cicadajewelrydesign.wordpress.com).


Sako referred me to a jeweler on Madeira Beach not too far from where I resided at the time. Owen Sweet, owner of Owen Sweet Designs (ohsosweet.com), was just as his name proclaimed.


Owen is one of the nicest most caring souls I think I have ever come into contact with. I arrived at the door of his shop and of course you have to get buzzed in. His assistant came down to let us in and greeted the guest who had arrived just before me while I browsed. When she was finished I asked for Owen and told him about my trip to China and how I would love to get my feet wet in the business, but I have no idea where to start. As I was sitting there chatting with him about possibilities, one of his clients came in to see a few diamonds Owen ordered in for him.


I will never forget that wonderful moment. Not only were the diamonds breathtaking, but the moment itself was just as beautiful. This man was diligently and wholeheartedly picking out a stone that would represent the profound love he has towards his future wife. With tears in eyes and butterflies in stomach, I knew in my heart I was in the right place, on the right path, and I finally had some direction!



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